The knowledge and experience gained in the Plasma Engineering program benefits you as well as your employer. Here is an outline of just a few benefits of the program that you can share with your employer to help promote your participation.
The Illinois Plasma Institute (IPI) is a cooperative venture between Illinois and leading companies in the semiconductor industry. IPI is designed to take technologies through the “Valley of Death” – taking ideas which have been proven to work in a research lab and put them into a company’s real products assisted by that company’s employees on assignment.
Your company could also become a member by supporting research at IPI and sending you as an assignee to work on that research at Illinois. Individuals participating in this research initiative will have the opportunity to apply to a professionally-oriented degree program and if admitted, you could obtain a MEng in Plasma Engineering at the same time. In fact, potentially up to 8 of the 32 credit hours required for the degree could be project-based learning and you could receive credit for working with Illinois faculty on the very projects supported by your company.
Please contact Prof. David Ruzic for more details.